Professional Technical Instructor Certificate:


A Professional Technical Instructor Certificate is intended for the role an instructor of courses for either an Industry-Based Instruction or School-Based Instruction. The purpose of the Technical Instructor Certificate is two-fold: 1.) Establish instructor competency to include ability to create curriculums all the way to delivering your course as an effective presentation regardless of the topic being taught, 2.) To ensure all license program courses taught at one of National's Accredited Schools/Colleges/Universities are using competent instructors.

Industry-Based Instruction is purpose is to improve job performance that promotes an organizations mission and effectiveness.

School-Based Instruction preps students as they begin to enter the workplace or employment rolls.

This License Certificate requires Continuing Educational Contact Hours (CEH) of 4-hours per year for an Accredited Institution or 5-hours per year for a non-accredited entity. Exemptions and further qualifications for CEHs can by found at this link: CEHs Requirements and Why.

The fees for the Professional Technical Instructor Certificate are listed in the license application. Qualifications to write the exam or be granted a certificate without exam is as follows:

  1. The qualification to sit for examination are the individual must have a minimum of two (2) years as an instructor at the college or adult vocational education level or equivalent or have a minimum of ten (10) years experience working in their field of expertise.
  2. To be granted, without examination, a Technical Instructor Certificate/ Technical Instructor Endorsement from National requires an application with a minimum of a baccalaureate in education or a State Education Teaching License. Note to Active Duty US Navy Personnel: with a rating of "Masters Training Specialist" grants you a Technical Instructor's Certificate, for those with only a NITC Certification or JT Certification will be granted a probationary Technical Instructor's Certificate for three (3) years and will be cleared when a MTS Certification is submitted which ever comes first. Contact one of National's Special Liaisons.

Note to Active Duty US Navy Personnel: A rating of "Masters Training Specialist" rating can apply for a Technical Instructors License.

Reference materials to study from, for the examination are:

      1. Instructors and Their Jobs, by Miller and Miller - Chapters 1, 5, 6, 7 and 15

Examination is a 20-Question test with a time limit of 1-hour. The components of the exam is made up of the following:


Instructor's Examination Components

Questions on 20-Question Exam
  Instructor's Role 4-Questions
  Instructional Planning 4-Questions
  Written Instructional Material 4-Questions
  Oral Presentation and Question Strategies 4-Questions
  Industry Based Instruction 4-Questions


To obtain a National license please Apply today, visit one of our Agency Schools, Training Institutions, or Colleges and submit your application with them today!

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