High Temperature Hot Water (HTHW) Engineer License Program: 1st Class, 2nd Class and 3rd Class


A High Temperature Hot Water (HTHW) Operating Engineer has job tasks that are unrelated to steam operations or steam boilers with the exception of the combustion and draft process. The differences are striking from the High-Temp Building or HTHW Boiler Room loop operations to the Hi-Temp distribution loop or campus loop piping and their mechanical room where the converters or heat exchangers are operated. High-Temperature Hot Water operations may have split job tasks HTHW Boiler NASOE License Engineerbetween High-Temp Building or HTHW Boiler Room and the Hi-Temp Distribution Loop. In both cases the Hi-Temp Distribution Loop operations is included in the HTHW License Program.

Where there is a Medium Temperature Hot Water MTHW operations, this HTHW license program is very-appropiate and applicable. Only in the LTHW (low-temperature hot water) is the HTHW license program not applicable, for LTHW applies to the Low Pressure Boiler Operator National license program.

HTHW Engineers that have National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors Certificate (National Board Commission / NB) and a State or City License are encouraged to submit an application for INSPECTOR ENDORSEMENT.

To obtain a National license please Appy today, visit one of our Agency Schools, Training Institutions, or Colleges and submit your application with them today!

High-Temperature Hot Water Engineer 1st Class

A high pressure steam plant (boiler operating) engineer First-Class is intended for a supervisory role as a "Supervisor" in the steam plant. Having overall responsibility as a supervisor for the entire steam plant including employees and equipment.

The qualifications to sit (write) for the High-Pressure Steam Plant (Boiler Operator) Engineer 1st Class exam the individual must have 24-months of experience in a high-pressure heating plant or 2-year technical or science college degree with 6-months experience. A 2nd Class can sit for the High-Pressure Boiler Operating Engineer 1st Class exam with an accumulated 12-months of experience.

A 1st Class High-Temperature Hot Water Engineer can operate any HTHW or MTHW boiler or plant of unlimited size (MMBtu/Hr). The 1st Class HTHW Engineers license is intended for what plant personnel identifies as Chief Engineer, Assistant Chief of the Plant, or Supervisors.

Reference materials to study from, for the examination, are:

      1. High Temperature Hot Water, 1st Edition
      2. Stationary Engineering, 4th Edition, by Steingress, Frost and Walker - Chapters 4 and 11

The license certificate exam is based on what a In-Charge Supervisor (1st Class) of the Plant should be able to do such as comprehensive thinking and more specifically analysis and synthesize the the entire HTHW/MTHW plant and system conditions. Examination is a 50-Question test in a 1-1/2 hour period. The components of the exam is made up of the following:


High-Temperature Hot Water Plant Engineer's 1st Class Examination Components (Topics)

Number of Component Questions on 50-Question Exam
  Theory: 4-Questions
  Math: 7-Questions
  Operations and Safety: 10-Questions
  Instrumentation: 4-Questions
  Fuels and Combustion: 5-Questions
  Water Treatment: 6-Questions
  Auxiliaries: 4-Questions
  Design and Applications: 5-Questions
  Environmental: 5-Questions


High-Temperature Hot Water Engineer 2nd Class

A high-temp hot water operating engineer 2nd Class (Second-Class) is intended for a non-supervisory role as a Group Leader. An example of a 2nd class HTHW operator is being technically in-charge as a Group Leader or Foreman under a 1st Class high-temperature hot water operating engineer.

The qualifications to sit or write the High-Temperature Hot Water Engineer 2nd Class exam is meet the following requirements:

      1. At least 12-months experience working in a HTHW or MTHW Plant/System; or
      2. 4-months of experience working in a HTHW or MTHW Plant/System and holding a 1st Class High-Pressure Steam Engineers license; or
      3. 6-months of experience working in a HTHW or MTHW Plant/System with a technical degree

The 2nd Class High-Temperature Hot Water Engineer can operated high-temperature hot water plant unsupervised under the license of a 1st Class. The 2nd Class HTHW Engineer's license is intended for senior watch engineer, shift watch engineer, maintenance group leader under the direction of the 1st Class HTHW Engineer.

Reference materials to study from, for the examination, are:

      1. High Temperature Hot Water, 1st Edition
      2. High Pressure Boilers, 5th Edition, by Steingress, Frost and Walker - Chapters 8, 9 and 10

Examination is a 50-Question test in a 1-1/2 hour period. The components of the exam is made up of the following:


High-Temperature Hot Water Plant Engineer's 2nd Class Examination Components (Topics)

Number of Component Questions on 50-Question Exam
  Theory: 7-Questions
  Math: 4-Questions
  Operations and Safety: 10-Questions
  Instrumentation: 3-Questions
  Fuels and Combustion: 6-Questions
  Water Treatment: 7-Questions
  Auxiliaries: 5-Questions
  Design and Applications: 4-Questions
  Environmental: 4-Questions


High-Temperature Hot Water Engineer 3rd Class

The purposes of the Hi-Temp Hot Water 3rd Class Engineer's License is to provide an entry level into high temperature operations.

A HTHW engineer 3rd Class is intended for a non-supervisory role in a high-temp hot water system. A 3rd Class HTHW Engineer can operated HTHW plant under a 2nd Class or under the supervision and/or leadership of a higher-grade license. The 3rd Class HTHW Engineer license is intended for watch engineer or shift engineer (non-supervisory).

The qualifications to sit (write) for the High-Temperature Hot Water Engineer 3rd Class exam is meet the following requirements:

      1. At least 6-months experience working in a HTHW or MTHW Plant/System; or
      2. 3-months of experience working in a HTHW or MTHW Plant/System with at least 3-months experience on HP Steam Boilers; or
      3. 3-months of experience working in a HTHW or MTHW Plant/System with at least 6-months experience in HVAC; or
      4. 3-months of experience working in a HTHW or MTHW Plant/System with college level course work in HVAC, Mechanical or Electrical disciplines

Reference materials to study from, for the examination, are:

      1. High Temperature Hot Water, 1st Edition
      2. High Pressure Boilers, 5th Edition, by Steingress, Frost and Walker - Chapters 8, 9 and 10

The exam is based on what a Shift Engineer (3rd Class) should know or have knowledge to recognize and communicate steam plant conditions. Examination is a 50-Question test in a 1-1/2 hour period. The components of the exam is made up of the following:


    High-Temperature Hot Water Plant Engineer's 3rd Class Examination Components (Topics)

    Number of Component Questions on 50-Question Exam
      Theory: 9-Questions
      Math: 2-Questions
      Operations and Safety: 10-Questions
      Instrumentation: 2-Questions
      Fuels and Combustion: 7-Questions
      Water Treatment: 8-Questions
      Auxiliaries: 6-Questions
      Design and Applications: 3-Questions
      Environmental: 3-Questions

    To obtain a National license please Appy today, visit one of our Agency Schools, Training Institutions, or Colleges and submit your application with them today!

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